Re: Double Macrons on gh (was Re: Tildes on Vowels)

From: John Cowan (
Date: Wed Aug 14 2002 - 11:01:25 EDT

William Overington scripsit:

> As first letter and second letter could be theoretically almost any other
> Unicode characters, would the approach be to just place all three glyphs
> superimposed onto the screen and hope that the visual effect is reasonable
> or would a font have a special glyph within it for each of the permutations
> of three characters which the font designer thought might reasonably occur
> yet default to a superimposing of three glyphs for any unexpected
> permutation which arises?

Depending on font support, there could be a glyph for this combination,
or the default could be used, which is that the combining mark is positioned
over the first character in such a way that it hangs over the presumed
space for the next character (hopefully more or less correctly).

Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.
Send us, bright one, light one, Horhorn, quickening, and wombfruit. (3x)
Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!
  -- Joyce, _Ulysses_, "Oxen of the Sun"

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