Re: An idea for keeping U+FFFC usable. (spins off from Re: Furigana)

From: James Kass (
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 03:23:21 EDT

William Overington wrote,

> No, it is a story about an artist who wanted to paint a picture of a horse
> and a picture of a dog and, since he knew that the horse and the dog were
> great friends and liked to be together and also that he only had one canvas
> upon which to paint, the artist painted a picture of a landscape with the
> horse and the dog in the foreground, thereby, as the saying goes, painting
> two birds on one canvas,
> in that he achieved two results by one activity. In addition the picture
> has various interesting details in the background, such as a windmill in a
> plain (or is that a windmill in a plain text file). :-)

1) It's gif file format rather than plain text.*
2) There isn't any windmill.

Best regards,

James Kass,

* P.S. - But, it's a nice gif file. In fact, aside from the absence of
the windmill, it exceeded my expectations. -JK.

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