Re: Pound and Lira (was: Re: The Currency Symbol of China)

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Wed Oct 02 2002 - 06:46:27 EDT

  • Next message: Marco Cimarosti: "Omega + upsilon ligature? [2nd attempt]"

    At 13:00 -0700 2002-10-01, Kenneth Whistler wrote:
    >Espen asked:
    >> Just out curiosity, is what you call High Ogonek here what ended
    >>up as U+0313 or U+0314?
    >No. It was an erroneous identification of:

    Sort of à propos this, we've found a MIDDLE COMMA in Early Cyrillic.
    MIDDLE DOT is the height of the dot in a colon or semicolon, and
    MIDDLE COMMA follows suit -- kind of an inverse but not inverted
    semicolon fragment.

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *
    48B Gleann na Carraige; Cill Fhionntain; Baile Átha Cliath 13; Éire
    Telephone +353 86 807 9169 * * Fax +353 1 832 2189 (by arrangement)

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