Re: Sporadic Unicode revisited

From: John Cowan (
Date: Wed Oct 02 2002 - 15:22:38 EDT

  • Next message: Patrick Andries: "Re: Omicron + Upsilon Ligature"

    Rick McGowan scripsit:

    > Both (recent) Windows

    *Very* recent, which many have not yet adopted.

    > Both platforms also have other means,
    > such as the "Character Map" utility of Windows...

    Using which is a great pain in the rear.

    > (BTW, I agree with Mark about those ISO 14755 abbreviations... They aren't
    > very "mnemonic". Many people have the charts available, so there is no
    > great advantage to using mnemonics over simply using numbers or palettes.)

    They are easy to type, and what is more, easy to proofread. (This is the
    same argument I just made defending the ISO/SGML named character entities.)

    John Cowan
    Consider the matter of Analytic Philosophy.  Dennett and Bennett are well-known.
    Dennett rarely or never cites Bennett, so Bennett rarely or never cites Dennett.
    There is also one Dummett.  By their works shall ye know them.  However, just as
    no trinities have fourth persons (Zeppo Marx notwithstanding), Bummett is hardly
    known by his works.  Indeed, Bummett does not exist.  It is part of the function
    of this and other e-mail messages, therefore, to do what they can to create him.

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