Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

From: Robert (
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 04:00:17 EDT

  • Next message: Arthit Suriyawongkul: "Re: ISO 8859-11 (Thai) cross-mapping table"


     --- On Tue 10/15, Doug Ewell wrote:
    From: Doug Ewell [mailto:]
    Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 08:57:19 -0700
    Subject: Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

    > James Kass wrote:
    > > ZWNJ prevents conjuncts (or half-letter forms) from appearing which
    > > forces explicit virama in the display. See "Explicit
    > Virama" on pp
    > > 214-215 of TUS 3.0.
    > I looked all over that section, but got caught up in all the little ZWJ
    > boxes and missed that passage. Thanks. I know I had heard that before.
    > > Shift-Control-1 will insert a ZWJ; and Shift-Control-2 will insert a
    > > ZWNJ. This combination is present across all Indic keyboards that
    > ship
    > > with Windows 2K and later.
    > Good news. It's too bad you can't see that combination on the
    > Javascript keyboards at Globaldev.
    That last bit in your message was (in true fact) VERY *BAD* NEWS!!!!

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