Re: Unicode plane 14 language tags.

From: William Overington (
Date: Tue Oct 29 2002 - 07:29:03 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: The comet circumflex system."

    Doug Ewell wrote as follows.


    >Right off the bat, though, I thank the UTC for initiating this "public
    >review" process which allows non-members like me to get their two cents
    >in regarding Unicode policies. (Hmm, two American-specific figures of
    >speech in one sentence -- perhaps it should have been tagged en-US.)

    Yes, I too am grateful for this "public review" process.

    I do note however that review 3 refers to a document which is only available
    to Unicode Consortium members, which seems a strange thing if views of
    interested individuals are being sought.

    Also, it is a pity that this new era of Unicode glasnost (displayed with a
    ligature? :-) ) comes so shortly after the last Unicode Technical
    Committee meeting the minutes of which state the consensus about no more
    ligatures being added to the U+FBxx block. Surely the matter of ligatures
    would be a good topic upon which to conduct such a public review.

    So, I wonder if at the meeting due to be held from 5 November 2002, perhaps
    it might please be considered as to whether "consultation 5 - precomposed
    ligatures" could be made a topic of a public review in this manner ready to
    be considered at the Unicode Technical Committee meeting after that meeting,
    so that there is the time and opportunity for widespread consideration to
    take place.

    William Overington

    29 October 2002

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