From: Michael Everson (
Date: Wed Nov 06 2002 - 14:06:29 EST
At 18:29 +0000 2002-11-06, William Overington wrote:
>Thank you for the design brief.
Oh, my stars.
>Here is my design.
Better hurry and copyright it.
>The design consists of a single contour in as large a square box as is
>possible for the particular font.
>In my prototype I used a box 2048 font units by 2048 font units. In this
>case, the value of n is 1024.
>The contour has seven points, the first point and the last point being at
>the same place.
>Point 1 is at (0,0) and is on the curve.
>Point 2 is at (0,2n) and is off the curve.
>Point 3 is at (2n,2n) and is on the curve.
>Point 4 is at (2n,n) and is on the curve.
>Point 5 is at (n,n) and is on the curve.
>Point 6 is at (n,0) and is on the curve.
>Point 7 is at (0,0) and is on the curve.
What curve? Your specification here produces a rectangular figure.
>I hope that you like the design.
But it fails to express ".notdef" in any meaningful way.
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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