RE: The result of the plane 14 tag characters review.

From: Dominikus Scherkl (
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 10:03:26 EST

  • Next message: John Cowan: "Re: The result of the plane 14 tag characters review."


    > > > 3. Is there any method of tagging, anywhere, that is
    > > > than Plane 14? (Corollary: Is "lightweight" important?)
    > >
    > > HTML and XML markup?
    > Doug was already comparing the plane 14 characters to HTML and XML,
    > clearly considers the latter to be relatively heavy -- and certainly
    > are heavier.

    Hm. <lang=en>...<\lang>
    that are 9+7 = 16 characters to indicate the language (and end of tag)
    All of them are ASCII, therefore encoded as 1 byte utf-8 each.
    Plane 14 requires 4 byte utf-8 each, and at least 3 characters
    (two tag-letters and the end-tag) - this is 12 bytes.
    Ok, this is less heavy, but not very much.
    Or what do you think what "weight" in this context means?!?

    Best regards.

    Dominikus Scherkl

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