RE: UTF-Morse

From: Marco Cimarosti (
Date: Fri Nov 22 2002 - 08:37:16 EST

  • Next message: John Cowan: "Re: UTF-Morse"

    Otto Stolz wrote:
    > Marco, you shall be called "Marcone", or even (granting
    > a Pluralis majestatis): "Marconi" ;-)

    Hey! I have a little bit of a belly, but not yet enough to justify calling
    me "Marcone". :-)

    BTW, your careful analysis of Morse needing four code units made me think
    that there could be a "digital Morse", where each code unit takes up two
    bits. E.g.:

            00: letter gap
            01: dot
            10: dash
            11: word gap

    Up to four code units could stay in each octet. E.g., the word "MORSE" would

            Morse: -- --- .-. ... .
            Bits: 10100010 10100001 10010001 01010001
            Hex: 0xA2 0xA1 0x91 0x51

    Wow! One octet less than ASCII! :-)

    _ Marco

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