Re: Precomposed Tibetan

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 06:19:12 EST

  • Next message: Otto Stolz: "8-bit MIME (was: Documenting in Tamil Computing)"

    At 07:47 -0800 2002-12-13, Andrew C. West wrote:
    >I have just noticed that the Chinese government have presented a proposal to
    >encode 956 "BrdaRten" characters in the BMP. See
    >Would I be correct in believing that there is no chance of these precomposed
    >forms being accepted, even when pushed by a country with the clout of China ?

    We pray not. It would introduce the kind of chaos we have for Korean
    for Tibetan. I know a number of national bodies will vote vigorously
    against damaging Tibetan in this way.

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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