RE: Precomposed Tibetan

From: Andrew C. West (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 05:31:42 EST

  • Next message: Jungshik Shin: "RE: Precomposed Tibetan"

    On Wed, 18 Dec 2002 02:10:13 -0800 (PST), Marco Cimarosti wrote:

    > 2. Come up with a precise machine-readable mapping file between
    > BrdaRten encoding to *decomposed* Unicode Tibetan, possibly accompanied by a
    > sample conversion application.

    The mapping is simple, and given a mapping table I could write a conversion
    application in five minutes. If anyone thinks that a mapping table would be
    useful as a weapon in the fight against the Chinese proposal, I would be happy
    to provide one.

    > 3. (The opposite of point 2) come up with a precise machine-readable
    > mapping file between *decomposed* Unicode Tibetan and BrdaRten encoding,
    > possibly accompanied by a sample conversion application.

    You could use the same table as for 2. Again, a conversion application would be

    Data conversion would clearly be the simplest alternative for the Chinese given
    Ken's detailed analysis of the GB18030 problem in another email.


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