From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 02:47:50 EST
Kenneth Whistler <kenw at sybase dot com> wrote:
> In addition to the examples pointed out by Roozbeh and Michael,
> this pattern is growing increasingly common in commercial English,
> where such forms as "eBusiness" and "eSecurity" are enjoying
> increasing vogue. And CamelCasing is apparent not only in
> technical terminology, but has spread to company names and the
> like, as well. Consider, e.g., "PayPal".
See, for example, the Jargon File entries for "BiCapitalization" and
More to the point, though, I'm really not sure I would expect a
lower-upper combination to kern as tightly as an upper-lower combination
anyway, at least in the BiCapitalized environment, because of the
presumption that the lower-upper combination really involves two words.
In the semi-mythical word "eTraining," if the "e" were typographically
farther from the "T" than the "r" was, everything would probably look OK
because the word breaks down as e-Training. I don't know how badly this
model would fall apart for Irish or Bantu words, though.
-Doug Ewell
Fullerton, California
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