RE: U+00D0, U+01b7 -- variants or distinct chars?

From: Kent Karlsson (
Date: Tue Mar 18 2003 - 08:25:02 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: U+00D0, U+01b7 -- variants or distinct chars?"

    > > use, though there is some potential motivation: the need to provide a
    > > contrast between capitals for 00f0 and 0256 in a single language -- I
    > If I may chime in, I agree on the need to distinguish letters like
    > these visually. It doesn't have to be in one language; any occasion
    > on which those two characters appear on the same page will do. There
    > is no need to have two different letters look identical.
    > However, I don't believe in creating another codepoint. It's up to
    > the font designers to make sure these characters are sufficiently
    > different to avoid confusion.

    Different and different. The uppercase forms do look identical, and
    should look identical within a font. And the lowercase forms of
    at least eth and d-stroke are (really) glyph variations of the same
    letter (I'm not sure about the african d), though encoded as different
    characters. Note though, I don't think that those two (or three) should
    not have been "disunified", since I think it is up to the author,
    regardless of font, to decide which variant to use in these cases.
    But the line has to be drawn somewhere, and not all "variants" can be
    encoded as characters, since that would have severe negative effects.

                    /kent k

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