Re: SPAM: Re: Yerushala(y)im - or Biblical Hebrew

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 11:10:57 EDT

  • Next message: John Cowan: "Re: UTF-8 to UTF-16LE"

    On 08/07/2003 08:38, Jony Rosenne wrote:

    >Just a reminder that the statement of the problem has not been agreed to. I
    >don't see a vowel sequence in Yerushala(y)im.
    I take your point. But I think it depends quite what you mean be "see".
    If you mean "understand", or "hear", you are quite correct. As I pointed
    out before, no one pronounced a vowel sequence and no one ever intended
    one to be understood. The hiriq vowel is intended to go with a consonant
    which is not visible but whose presence is assumed. But if we understand
    "see" in a strict visual sense, we must agree that what we see on the
    paper is two vowels under one consonant. And if the decision is made to
    encode what appears on the paper rather than what it is supposed to
    mean, then we have to find some way to encode a vowel sequence.

    Peter Kirk

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