Re: About the European MES-2 subset (was: PUA Audio Description, Subtitle, Signing)

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Fri Jul 18 2003 - 01:36:05 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: About the European MES-2 subset (was: PUA Audio Description, Subtitle, Signing)"

    At 00:57 +0200 2003-07-18, Philippe Verdy wrote:

    >Why is row 03 so resticted? Shouldn't it include those accents and
    >diacritics that are used by other characters once canonically
    >decomposed? Or does it imply that MES-2 is only supposed to use
    >strings if NFC form?
    >Also, is this list under full closure with existing character properties, like
    >NFKD decompositions, and case mappings?

    The MES-2 is what it is, and was developed at the time when it was.
    It is thought to be a minumum requirement for European requirements,
    and is certainly a lot better than that old Adobe glyph list that was
    supported earlier on. It doesn't depend on very smart fonts.

    Personally I prefer the Multilingual European Subset.

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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