Re: Klingons and their allies - Beyond 17 planes

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 13:14:30 CST

On 18/10/2003 10:53, Peter Kirk wrote:

> On 18/10/2003 08:42, Doug Ewell wrote:
>> Tom Gewecke <tom at bluesky dot org> wrote:
>>> The problems mentioned earlier in this thread disappear if one uses
>>> correct html/css for websites and uses html mail rather than plain
>>> text with the Mozilla mail client, which otherwise won't let you
>>> choose the font for incoming mail.
>> For all the criticisms that people love to fling toward Outlook Express,
>> it does let me choose the font for incoming mail. The e-mail messages I
>> received in Ewellic were plain text.
>> -Doug Ewell
>> Fullerton, California
> There definitely seems to be a bug in Mozilla in this area. See for
> example (still
> unconfirmed - it seems that Mozilla bug reports in this area don't
> even get looked at in six months) and
> (where they claim
> the problem was fixed three years ago, but it has reappeared). Maybe
> there is a fix by setting some user preferences in a special file, but
> there doesn't seem to be a fix in the UI.
> I'll file a new bug - done, see
> It will be
> interesting to see what response I get, if any.
It turns out that my bug is a duplicate of and work is in
progress on fixing it. Meanwhile there is a workaround. UTF-8 plain text
messages, and web pages, are displayed with the default font for the
system locale. So change the fonts for your system locale, in my case
"western", and your plain text UTF-8 messages will show up in that font
- even with UTF-8 codes outside your system code page. With this
approach (see comments 34 and 36 to bug 91190) I can even read Mark
Davis' signature - that is, it appears correctly, I'd love to know what
it means!

Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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