From: John Hudson (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 13:42:29 EST
At 06:36 AM 11/10/2003, Alexander Savenkov wrote:
> > Yes, Philippe. It is the same thing as mapping Cyrillic to ASCII
> > letters. It is a hack. It is to be avoided. It is the Wrong Thing To
> > Do.
>I'm not sure I'm not taking your words out of the context, Michael.
>"The Wrong Thing To Do" can be seen everywhere in the newspapers when
>the names and some other words originally written in Cyrillic and
>other scripts are letter-by-letter (mapped?) transliterated to the
>resulting script.
But that's transliteration *at the character level*. You are writing words
from one language in the conventions of another language (note that this
doesn't necessarily mean a change in script), and you are using the
*characters* of the target language. What Michael and I are objecting to is
representing the characters of one script in the *glyphs* of another, which
is a hack.
John Hudson
Tiro Typeworks
Vancouver, BC
I sometimes think that good readers are as singular,
and as awesome, as great authors themselves.
- JL Borges
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