From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Thu Nov 27 2003 - 02:18:22 EST
D. Starner <shalesller at writeme dot com> write:
> And let's be honest - every word written in Gothic, ever, fits on 68
> pages of paper (small font, and both sides, but still.) (This isn't
> counting the grocery lists of Tolkein and Ewell, of course. But they
> are the exception.)
Anyone who really, badly wants to parse the grocery lists of Ewell using
software can check the character properties for Ewellic, in standard
Unicode format, at:
While these characters ain't never gonna be in Unicode, I would think
all proposals for encoding should have this level of detail regarding
the properties of the proposed characters.
Note especially the "number" fields for the hex digits: they are
numeric, they are even digits, but they're not *decimal* digits.
-Doug Ewell
Fullerton, California
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