Re: MS Windows and Unicode 4.0 ?

From: John Hudson (
Date: Tue Dec 02 2003 - 15:16:40 EST

  • Next message: Chris Pratley: "RE: MS Windows and Unicode 4.0 ?"

    At 11:23 AM 12/2/2003, Michael Everson wrote:

    >At 13:45 -0500 2003-12-02, wrote:
    >>The Apple's (or in fact Michael Everson's) Last Resort font, though,
    >>doesn't provide even bare legibility: all the characters in a given
    >>script look alike! The most it tells you is what script the characters
    >>are in, so that you have some clue about what font to install to provide
    >That's all it says it does.

    Understood. No one is criticising the Last Resort font, Michael, we're just
    pointing out that it doesn't do -- nor claim to do -- what Arcane Jill
    seemed to be suggesting. There is a difference between 'providing a
    fallback font for every character', which suggests to me a font that
    actually displays those characters, and one that displays a box telling you
    what Unicode range the unsupported character comes from.


    Tiro Typeworks
    Vancouver, BC

    Theory set out to produce texts that could not be processed successfully
    by the commonsensical assumptions that ordinary language puts into play.
    There are texts of theory that resist meaning so powerfully ... that the
    very process of failing to comprehend the text is part of what it has to offer
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