RE: MS Windows and Unicode 4.0 ?

From: John Hudson (
Date: Wed Dec 03 2003 - 15:58:39 EST

  • Next message: "Re: MS Windows and Unicode 4.0 ?"

    At 05:56 AM 12/3/2003, Philippe Verdy wrote:

    >Just visit the impressive resource references collected on:
    >There's no magic behind fonts. In fact, in a near future, most
    >Unicode-supported scripts will be easily accessible to users,
    >because there will be large collections of OpenType fonts
    >supporting them and created with open-sourced licenses.

    Well, so far they have a Courier clone, a Times clone and a Helvetica
    clone, all based on old URW data. And typical of this sort of project, it
    is easy to spot the freshly made glyphs that have been added by the
    well-meaning amateurs, which even when copied from existing typefaces (e.g.
    the Hebrew in the 'Free Sans' font: an obvious copy of Ismar David's
    eponymous classic) are badly drawn, crudely digitised and technically

    You're right about one thing though: there is no magic behind fonts. There
    is a huge amount of skill, expertise and experience, and a *lot* of work.

    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks
    Vancouver, BC

    Theory set out to produce texts that could not be processed successfully
    by the commonsensical assumptions that ordinary language puts into play.
    There are texts of theory that resist meaning so powerfully ... that the
    very process of failing to comprehend the text is part of what it has to offer
                 - Lentricchia & Mclaughlin, _Critical terms for literary study_

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