RE: Missing African Latin letters (bis)

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 20:57:30 EST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Missing African Latin letters"

    At 17:24 -0800 2003-12-05, Peter Constable wrote:
    > > From:
    >[] On Behalf
    >> Of Michael Everson
    >> I was looking at a book on Cherokee phonetics today and 0294 was used
    >> in lower-case text word-internally. Now that's not necessarily a
    >> problem; PALOCHKA is also upper-case and is used word-internally. But
    >> I thought I'd mention it.
    >Are you saying they used a cap-height glyph
    >word-initially and an x-height glyph elsewhere?

    No. The Cherokee book (a sociolinguistic study of
    syllabary use) uses the tall one word-internally.

    >I've got a book on phonetics with some Comanche
    >and Shoshone data that has A, E, I, Ï and U
    >word-medially; they would have used these
    >word-initially if that's where the voiceless
    >vowel came. Neither this nor a cap-height 0294
    >in phonetic data (in any word position) is a
    >problem. If the general category of 0294 were
    >changed from Ll to Lu, that Cherokee data would
    >not be harmed in any way that I can see.

    I tend to agree, particularly in the context,
    which is just plain ordinary linguistic, not
    orthographic in any way.

    >(Particularly if it's printed in a book. BTW,
    >how can something that represented digitally be
    >in a physical book? :-)

    We all need a weekend break. :-)

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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