Re: [OT] CJK -> CJC (Re: Corea?)

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 16:55:13 EST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: [OT] Corea? (was: Euro-English...)"

    On 15/12/2003 12:25, Michael Everson wrote:

    > At 12:09 -0800 2003-12-15, Peter Kirk wrote:
    >> Then let's hope that ISO 10646 doesn't decide to break its own rules
    >> and change "KOREAN" to "COREAN" in character names e.g. U+321D. Think
    >> what that would do to the Unicode stability policy - although in fact
    >> only five names are affected.
    > It is offensive to suggest that WG2 would do so.

    Michael, I have never before heard of a committee or working group
    taking offence corporately. My remark was not ad hominem although it
    might have been considered ad comitatem (or whatever the correct Latin
    is). You may personally be very determined not to make such changes, but
    presumably there is a mechanism by which in principle you might be
    outvoted within WG2.

    Anyway I was thinking not so much of a voluntary decision by WG2, but
    that there might perhaps be pressure, even a directive, from the top of
    ISO to change "Korean" to "Corean", which even you, even WG2, might be
    unable to resist.

    > This thread could die now and it would be OK.

    If that is your personal opinion, you are entitled to it. If you want
    your personal opinion to prevail, stop prolonging the thread yourself.
    In fact I share your personal opinion and am only answering now to
    clarify my intention.

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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