Re: Case mapping of dotless lowercase letters

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 14:59:18 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Case mapping of dotless lowercase letters"

    On 16/12/2003 11:49, Stefan Persson wrote:

    > Peter Kirk wrote:
    >> If the Swedish registry allows all the letters used in Swedish and
    >> Sami, and far eastern registries allow Chinese characters, the
    >> Turkish and Azerbaijani registries should allow, and be allowed to
    >> allow, all the letters of the alphabets of their national languages.
    > They would in that case allow dotted and dotless i, but would they
    > automatically allow dot above? ...

    Probably not, although there would be a certain irony if dotless i with
    dot above was allowed but ordinary i was not.

    > ... There's still the uppercase/lowercase problem, though ...

    True. This problem needs to be solved. In the circumstances, and since
    as a general rule IDNs are written lower case, it might be acceptable
    for the lower case mapping of (ordinary dotless) I to be indeterminate,
    so that if I type UNICODE.ORG I might get or unı

    > ... ---maybe these registries should not allow different domain names
    > that differ only in dotless/dotted "i"?

    Indeed they should, just as the Swedish registry allows names that
    differ only in umlauts. These are different letters of the alphabet.
    Otherwise we are imposing foreign alphabetic practices.

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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