Re: Case mapping of dotless lowercase letters

From: John Cowan (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 22:28:46 EST

  • Next message: John Cowan: "Re: Case mapping of dotless lowercase letters"

    Philippe Verdy scripsit:

    > If we just remove any 0307 from the Turkic texts, there is absolutely no
    > problem with Turkic CaseFolding, provided that we also define
    > Turkic-specific uppercase mappings as done above, and don't use the default
    > locale-neutral uppercase mappings of the UCD.

    There's no reason to expect that there will be any 0307 whatever in
    Turkish/Azeri texts: it's not a diacritic those languages use, AFAIK.

    "How they ever reached any conclusion at all>
    is starkly unknowable to the human mind."
            --"Backstage Lensman", Randall Garrett

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