Re: Windows and MacOS keyboard layouts in human-readable format?

From: Peter Lofting (
Date: Mon Dec 29 2003 - 22:46:31 EST

  • Next message: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan: "Re: Windows and MacOS keyboard layouts in human-readable format?"

    Mac OSX keyboard layouts can be defined in XML which is a close as we
    get to human readability - see

    This format has been available for over a year, so there may be some
    published data files from 3rd Parties.

    Michael Everson is one such person in your time zone who has defined
    a number of Mac OS keyboards via the XML format and has some up on
    his web site

    Best wishes


    At 11:03 PM +0100 12/29/03, Adam Twardoch wrote:
    >Do you know if there are human-readable versions of Windows and/or MacOS
    >keyboard layouts available somewhere?
    >I'm looking for a way to compile a table that could look a bit like the
    >Platform Language Layout Unicode Keystroke
    >Windows Polish Polish (Programmers) 0105 AltGr+A
    >Windows Polish Polish (Programmers) 0041 A
    >where I could, for example, look up which exactly keyboard layouts let the
    >user input, say, a with acute, and how he can do that.
    >Thank you in advance,
    >Adam Twardoch

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