Re: Ligatures with diacritics

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Wed Dec 31 2003 - 07:00:40 EST

  • Next message: Chris Jacobs: "Re: Ligatures with diacritics"

    On 30/12/2003 15:44, Chris Jacobs wrote:

    >>I wonder if there are other, better defined, cases of ligatures between
    >>base characters and diacritics in other scripts, i.e. cases where there
    >>is an optional alternative to base character plus diacritic which does
    >>not look like the base character plus the diacritic.
    >Syllabe + virama + ZWJ --> consonant.
    >Note that the ZWJ is _after_ the virama.
    Interesting. Is this actually valid at the end of a string? Would
    <syllable, virama, ZWJ> as an isolated string be rendered differently
    from <syllable, virama>? But it strikes me that this arrangement,
    however sensible within its own writing system, is a distortion of the
    regular rules for ZWJ.

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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