Re: Pre-1923 characters?

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Sat Jan 03 2004 - 18:00:23 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Pre-1923 characters?"

    From: "Michael Everson" <>
    > At 22:37 +0100 2004-01-03, Philippe Verdy wrote:
    > >Note that a fundamental property of character identity is its most common
    > >classification as a vowel, consonnant, or semi-vowel.
    > That isn't true. The letter "v" is a vowel in Cherokee, a consonant
    > in Czech, and (often) a semivowel in Danish.

    Also: what are you demonstrating here? Only that distinct languages have
    their own view on the classification of letters. But it's a fact that this
    classification is a property of each character used in each language, even
    the classification can vary between languages.

    If simply I accepted and followed your argument, then the classification as
    letters, digits or symbols, or as uppercase/lowercase/titlecase, or as
    letters/ligatures would also be irrelevant in Unicode... How will you then
    reveal a character identity with Unicode? What you say there, if accepted
    universally, would make Unicode completely unusable in practice, and
    impossible to unify without separating each language encoded with these

    So your argument is better militating for a better documentation of language
    support and usage for each script, possibly with additional properties that
    be missing in Unicode... Thanks we have other sources than Unicode to find
    these additional properties, notably the other related standards and
    from which characters were imported and unified (here I include the mappings
    of non-Unicode charactere sets onto Unicode-ISO/IEC10646 code points).

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