Re: unicode Digest V4 #3

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 11:18:11 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: unicode Digest V4 #3"

    On 05/01/2004 07:27, Philippe Verdy wrote:

    >From: "Peter Kirk" <>
    >>On 05/01/2004 05:53, Philippe Verdy wrote:
    >>>Note that the name I gave just suggests its approximate look. It does not
    >>>necessarily mean its is semantically correct. So of course, if the only
    >>>this i with lower-right hook has a better traditional name, it should
    >have a
    >>>name that matches this tradition if it is ever encoded. But for now, in
    >>>absence of this character in Unicode, the composition:
    >>> <Latin small letter dotless-i><combining retroflex hook below>
    >>> <Latin capital letter I><combining retroflex hook below>
    >>>is quite good to represent it, and it works with Turkish/Azeri case
    >>Unfortunately in the same old alphabets the Turkish/Azeri case mappings
    >>don't work with the normal I/i as these follow the normal western case
    >Why not then use the Latin ton six for all texts in that period, and allow
    >glyph variants to show the I with right hook glyph used in early Latin
    That might work with Azeri, but not with Nogai and Khakass which
    apparently used these two glyphs as separate letters (though this might
    need checking, not an easy task!)

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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