Re: Long S in Germany (was: 0364 COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER E)

From: D. Starner (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 19:08:45 EST

  • Next message: Jungshik Shin: "Re: Detecting encoding in Plain text"

    Otto Stolz <> wrote:

    > Gerd Schumacher wrote:
    > > The long s [...] has been abandoned from the Roman alphabet in Germany
    > > in the mid of the 19th century.
    > You mean the 20th century, don't you?
    > I have a facsimile reprint of the 1914 issue of "Zupfgeigenhansel"
    > (a renowned song-book), which is set in Roman type ("Antiqua", in
    > German) and uses the long-S consistently, according to German
    > orthographic rules.

    I believe it's an exception. I have a German mineralogical dictionary
    from 1849 that is in Roman type and doesn't use the long-S. The mathematical
    books from the late 1800s and early 1900s that I've looked at all consistenly
    in Roman type without the long-S. The Library of Congress has a German
    biography of the Wright brothers written in the 1909 that is in Roman type
    and doesn't use the long-S.

    I'm pretty sure the long-s was lost from Roman type in the usual case by
    the late 1800s.

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