Re: Cuneiform - Dynamic vs. Static

From: Deborah Goldsmith (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 17:14:18 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: German characters not correct in output webform"

    FYI, Panther was changed to not do font substitution in the user part
    of the PUA (it still does it in the corporate part). This was because
    different fonts can use the same PUA code point for different things
    (and do; this was not a hypothetical problem but one we have seen in
    practice). The idea going forward is that use of PUA code points needs
    to be accompanied by an explicit font specification. Picking the first
    font you find for a PUA code point does not seem like the right
    approach to us.

    Deborah Goldsmith
    Manager, Fonts / Unicode liaison
    Apple Computer, Inc.

    On Jan 13, 2004, at 1:23 PM, Dean Snyder wrote:

    > (RESPONSE) Not being a font designer, I called a font designer friend
    > of mine and he DID say there are tool problems and operating system
    > problems associated with non-code-point-specified glyphs in OpenType.
    > He
    > specifically mentioned Volt and FontLab. For what it's worth, I have
    > seen
    > a difference between Jaguar and Panther in how Mac OS X treats
    > characters
    > in the PUA - in Panther they commonly show up with the indeterminate
    > glyph symbol even when a suitable font, that worked in Jaguar, is
    > installed.

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