Re: corporate/users PUA ranges (was: Cuneiform - Dynamic vs. Static)

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 22:10:04 EST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Cuneiform - Dynamic vs. Static"

    From: "Deborah Goldsmith" <>
    To: "Philippe Verdy" <>
    Cc: "Unicode List" <>
    Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:06 AM
    Subject: Re: Cuneiform - Dynamic vs. Static

    > On Jan 13, 2004, at 4:58 PM, Philippe Verdy wrote:
    > > Where is the limit between the "user part of the PUA" and the
    > > "corporate
    > > part" of the PUA"?
    > For Panther:
    > "user part of PUA" == everything not in the corporate part of the PUA
    > "corporate part of PUA" == the set of corporate PUA characters that
    > Apple defines on Mac OS

    Which is? And is there other corporate areas from other vendors? such as
    Microsoft Office specific PUAs, or Adobe fonts, or Agfa Monotype fonts?
    or in some font construction tools?

    For the BMP I was told that the user area starts at U+E000 and finishes
    at the point where the corporate area starts in the BMP, the last one
    extending up to the end of the PUA range of the BMP.

    There's no precise line between each part (for Unicode, all this is one
    and there's no preferencing scheme between some privileged "corporate"
    users and other private users which need PUAs.)

    So I wonder how Panther can do want you said:
    > FYI, Panther was changed to not do font substitution in the user part
    > of the PUA (it still does it in the corporate part).
    without using some arbitrary limit in the middle of the PUA range of the
    BMP, by assuming that Apple has not assigned (will not assign) "corporate"
    characters in these PUA code points.

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