Re: Chinese rod numerals

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 07:06:35 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Samaritan shan symbol"

    On 15/01/2004 11:50, Christopher Cullen wrote:

    > I am grateful for all the advice I have received on this proposal,
    > which I intend to pursue, time permitting. Meanwhile I am signing off
    > to avoid a surfeit of Klingon, so please address me off-list if you
    > wish to make any further suggestions.
    > Thanks
    > Christopher Cullen
    Understood. Perhaps there should be a separate list for Klingon and
    other ConScripts, just as there are for other languages and groups which
    generate a lot of correspondence which is not interesting to most of us.

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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