From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Mon Feb 09 2004 - 21:25:23 EST
At 04:12 PM 2/9/2004, Kenneth Whistler wrote:
>That leaves item A. And it is mostly a matter of determining
>what is the best mechanism for getting people to know how
>they should "spell" the metegs with the minimum of confusion.
>Putting something in the Unicode Standard might be appropriate,
>or there might be better venues to document the conventions.
I'm of the opinion that conventions that use characters of
general category Cf are best documented in the standard. Otherwise,
a consistent treatment of such characters across implementations
depends too much on context (e.g. use of a particular font).
"Fine typography" issues for other characters, incl. combining
are a different matter. These will legitimately differ even
among uses of the same character (viz. math and text handling
of accents, for example).
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