Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 20:02:13 EST
I would like to make a few comments about the Aboriginal Serif font.
First, the reason for putting so many characters in the PUA is as follows.
For Blackfoot, Dene, Cree (some dialects), and Ojibway (some dialects),
some important characters are missing to write these languages properly.
For example, as far as I can figure, within UCAS one cannot differentiate
between top-line, mid-line, and baseline finals. So because these finals
had to be lumped in the PUA (along with some other characters), I put glyph
variants there also. Needless to say, one cannot write Dene or Ojibway
(i-final) using Code2000. So I don't know what else to say. I want the
examples on my site to be legible (dot accents non-spaced in the middle of
syllabics instead of above them aren't really acceptable), and I want the
characters to look like what speakers are familiar with, otherwise they may
very well choose not to use the font, keyboards, etc.
My aim is that people can type their own language on the computer they have
now. Once OpenType is available on my machine and others, I will release
fonts which have OpenType tables, calling the same glyphs that are now in
the PUA. This way, I am trying to make some humble attempt at backward
compatibility. But for now, if people cannot use the OpenType
substitutions, what else should I do?
I am building specific fonts for specific languages, but I wanted one font
that would display the lot. That way, if someone wanted to use, they would only have to download one font, instead of one
per language.
Please notice that months ago, I changed the name of the font from
"Aboriginal Serif Unicode" to "Aboriginal Serif" in response to comments
made earlier on this list; I also note on every page that one would have to
download my font to view the pages properly.
Thank-you.. Chris
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