Re: Fwd: Re: (SC2WG2.609) New contribution N2705

From: D. Starner (
Date: Tue Feb 17 2004 - 18:49:12 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: (SC2WG2.609) New contribution N2705"

    > My point is that characters such as 02B0, 02B2, and 02E0 are already used in the
    > same fashion as the newly proposed Indo-European characters. Therefore, it's
    > not clear to me why there should be any objection to the latter.
    Because any mathematical alphanumberic character can appear superscripted
    in mathematics; does that mean that we need to create superscripted characters
    for all of them? If these are part of a small, closed set, like U+02B0, then
    it's appropriate to encode them; but if just any character can appear
    superscripted or subscripted, then it goes outside Unicode, and needs to be
    dealt with in markup.

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