From: Michael Everson (
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 15:35:24 EST
At 13:54 -0500 2004-02-18, wrote:
>I agree. Furthermore, it seems to me that the laryngeal a, e, and o
>subscripts are not productive, and that it would be better to encode
>something named either LATIN LETTER CAPITAL H WITH SUBSCRIPT A or
>(better, IMHO)
>LATIN LETTER A-COLORED LARYNGEAL, and the same for the other two.
No, the letters are productive in other contexts besides IE
laryngeals. In particular at least the Uralicists have recently
written to me thanking me for proposing the subscript o because it
turns out they need it too.
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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