Arabic Characters for Kurdish are missing

From: Ernst Tremel (
Date: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 07:02:39 EST

  • Next message: Aparna A. Kulkarni: "RE: Devanagari Letter Short A"


    I would like to suggest to add some - until now still - missing characters for Arabic Kurdish:

    1. There are no FINAL forms for U-0692 (REH WITH SMALL V) and U-0995 (REH WITH SMALL V BELOW)

    2. There are no FINAL, INITIAL and MEDIAL forms for U-06B5 (LAM WITH SMALL V)

    3. There are no FINAL and ISOLATED forms for LAM WITH ALEF WITH SMALL V ABOVE like in U-FEF5 and U-FEF6 ff.

    4. There are no FINAL, INITIAL and MEDIAL forms for U-06CE (YEH WITH SMALL V)

    These characters are necessary to write Kurdish in Arabic script. And if these characters would be added to Unicode programming would be easier.

    Kind regards,

    Ernst Tremel

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