Re: websites

From: Kida Yasuo (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 20:56:56 EST

  • Next message: Dipti Srivastava: "Filenames with non-Ascii characters"

    > I have noticed a lot of Japanese sites use shift-jis, why is this?

    Because it's like ASCII for Japanese characters.

    It seems the number of utf-8 encoded Japanese and English sites are
    increasing as defaults for some (or most?) blog systems / hosting
    services are utf-8.

    - kida

    On 2004/02/23, at 4:08, steve wrote:

    > Hello,
    > To create a multilingual webiste would it be best to use UFT8
    > encoding? I have noticed a lot of Japanese sites use shift-jis, why
    > is this? Do all browsers support unicode now?
    > Thank you for your help,
    > Steve.
    > Steve Bartwhistle
    > Technology Director
    > Translation services for 140 different languages
    > Translation for all file types, formats and technology

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