From: Michael Everson (
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 21:23:23 CDT
At 22:20 -0400 2004-05-03, John Cowan wrote:
>Michael Everson scripsit:
>>Semiticists seem to transliterate Phoenican-script text into Latin
>>or Hebrew, and do not normally use the Phoenician glyphs at all.
>Though we don't know to what extent that reflects the inability of
>conventional printers to cope with Phoenician, plus cultural lag.
It doesn't matter. As a wise friend said recently:
"The scholarly representations are not the *only* representations of
such text, and the professional Semiticists are not the only
surviving cultural owners of the world's Middle Eastern historical
cultural heritage."
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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