From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 11:26:07 CDT
On 03/05/2004 11:47, Patrick Andries wrote:
> Peter Kirk a écrit :
>> On 03/05/2004 05:55, Patrick Andries wrote:
>>> ...
>>> When the Biblical text is written in paleo Hebrew there are no vowel
>>> pointings. When the text was written in the paleo Hebrew four of the
>>> Hebrew letters were used as vowels - aleph, hey, vav and yud, but
>>> were removed from the text when the masorites added the vowel
>>> pointings. This is evident in the Dead Sea Scrolls where the four
>>> letters are found in the words but removed in the Masoretic text.
>> No. The DSS, or nearly all of them, are in square script, and this
>> indicates that the (partial) removal of these additional letters (if
>> that is indeed a correct way to describe what happened) took place
>> long after the transition from paleo-Hebrew to square script.
> Do I understand from your remark that the Square Script DSS use matres
> lectionis ?
> P. A.
Yes. The Masoretic text Hebrew uses matres lectionis (though not alef as
one, except perhaps in the Aramaic portions). The earlier square script
DSS use more of them. Most paleo-Hebrew texts use very few if any of
them, because they were only starting to be used in pre-exilic times.
I'm not sure about later paleo-Hebrew texts like the few paleo-Hebrew DSS.
-- Peter Kirk (personal) (work)
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