From: African Oracle (
Date: Wed May 05 2004 - 16:56:06 CDT
The formatted look good Peter but how many users will be able to format and
bump the size? This is just the beginning, I know with time things will
regularise itself. Better software and font rendering engine will be
Thanks for the screen shot.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Constable" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 11:31 PM
Subject: RE: Yoruba Keyboard
> > This mail is written with the Yoruba Keyboard that was rolled out
> > Please just look at the issue raised earlier raised.
> I produced the following screen shot after simply reformatting the text in
your message with a font designed to support languages like Yoruba:
> This was formatted with Doulos SIL. (I also bumped up the size to make it
clearer what is or isn’t happening typographically.) If you are using
Outlook 2003 or another mail client with OpenType support and simply obtain
the font for yourself
dsDoulos), or use another appropriately-designed font, then you should be
able to see the original text working as desired on your own system:
> > áéíẹ́ọ́ú
> > Looking at the above it is obvious that the acute on top of the e and o
> > dot below is a bit too high almost to the point of looking like a
> > under E.
> What is obvious is that you are trying to solve a problem using fonts that
aren’t up to the task. This is purely a font/rendering issue, not an
encoding issue.
> > In transit the acute and the grave could be removed by just putting the
> > cursor in between ẹ́ and ọ́ because ther are combined in a way that is
> > binding.
> >
> > It even becomes a compounded problem during copying and pasting because
> > accent occupy two cursor space. I still think with all these
> > something must be done.
> In actual practice, none of these are problems. I can copy and paste
portions of your text with no problem: Ẹ́ÍÓ.
> Peter
> Peter Constable
> Globalization Infrastructure and Font Technologies
> Microsoft Windows Division
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