From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 13:01:18 CDT
On 05/05/2004 22:19, Peter Constable wrote:
> ...
>Precisely why assigning qamats qatan to class 18 would not be
>particularly useful: it allows you to distinguish < qamats, qamats qatan
>>from < qamats qatan, qamats >; it does not allow you to distinguish
>differently-ordered sequences of qamats qatan and any other combining
>marks with a non-zero class.
Good. For that is precisely what we do NOT want to allow. Qamats qatan
should combine with dehi etc in only one way. So it should have a
different combining class. However, as it is a variant of qamats it
should have the same combining class as qamats; making a distinction
will only cause confusion and complicate rendering mechanisms.
-- Peter Kirk (personal) (work)
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