From: E. Keown (
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 15:58:17 CDT
Elaine Keown
Debbie Anderson wrote:
>I am in support of the Phoenician proposal.
Elaine Keown wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have the impression
that Dr. Anderson is an unusual scholar of Greek. I
think she does much older (and far more interesting, I
would say) Greek...the really early stuff.
Debbie Anderson wrote:
>From my perspective, I would like to be able to see
>in plain text the Phoenician as it appears in
>inscriptions where the purported Phoenician to Greek
>transmission may have occurred (Hama or Al Mina,
>Syria, for example, in the first half of the first
Why is this a better option for you (and other Early
Hellenists) than separately encoding, say, an early
'epichoric' Greek script that is much closer to
Phoenician?? You could choose from Euboean,
Corinthian, Cretan, etc.....or whatever else they have
added if Kirchhoff is now outdated completely.
I gather from Woodard material I accidentally found
that standard Greek developed from Ionic (Ionian?)
epichoric, both in shape and in repertoire. But
apparently that leaves a lot of early Greek epigraphic
material with extra letters that may not yet be in
I think Greek is far easier to computerize (and far
more difficult to completely mess up) than Hebrew /
Semitic / wider Afroasiatic. I don't think harm would
be done by adding another early Greek-type font....
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