From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 07:59:28 CDT
On 11/05/2004 03:49, John Cowan wrote:
>Jony Rosenne scripsit:
>>When I travel, I change the time rather than the time zone, because
>>changing the time zone causes Outlook to mess up my calendar. This
>>causes my e-mails to have a wrong time stamp. Is there any solution
>>to this?
>AFAIK the only cure is to break the Outlook addiction.
And take what drug, er, mail client instead? Mozilla simply ignores my
time zone setting and stamps all of my outgoing e-mails with Pacific
time. I reported this as a bug nearly a year ago
( but there is no
sign of it being fixed. Though actually the problem may be an odd
setting in Windows 2000 rather than a Mozilla bug. (If anyone knows of a
fix, please tell me off-list.) Well, at least it means that my
correspondents can't track my movements from the time stamps of my e-mails.
-- Peter Kirk (personal) (work)
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