Re: TR35

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Wed May 12 2004 - 11:41:21 CDT

  • Next message: Mike Ayers: "RE: interleaved ordering (was RE: Phoenician)"

    Well, I too don't have a lot of time ;-)

    I see both language IDs and locale IDs as having usage beyond what you say. Both
    can be tagging content (e.g. this content was generated in accordance with
    locale x, or this content represents the collation sequence for locale/language
    y). Both can be used in queries (give me content, but restrict to what is
    appropriate for languages x and y; give me content, but restrict to what is
    appropriate for locales z, w).

    I think we would both agree that timezones and currencies (but *not* their
    names) are orthogonal to language. Where we might differ on -- and where
    everyone seems to differ on -- is the meaning of the term "locale". Some
    interpret it very narrowly, essentially coextensive with language; some
    interpret it very broadly, essentially a bundle of user preferences /
    information). I fully agree that under the latter interpretation, it is very
    important to distinguish between a language ID and a locale ID.

    ► शिष्यादिच्छेत्पराजयम् ◄

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Peter Constable" <>
    To: "Unicode Mailing List" <>
    Sent: Wed, 2004 May 12 08:45
    Subject: RE: TR35

    > >Here I disagree; this area is very fuzzy. See
    > >
    > code_issues.html,
    > >especially the end.
    > During which you observe that "both [language IDs and locale IDs] are
    > somewhat nebulous concepts." (Of course, it's not the *IDs* that are
    > nebulous, but the types of category that they represent: "language" and
    > "locale".)
    > I don't have time at the moment for a detailed discussion, (or to finish
    > reading what's here and in TR35) but have been meaning to comment on
    > this topic in relation to TR35, so will briefly comment here: these
    > concepts will remain nebulous until people understand a fundamental
    > distinction:
    > A "language" is an attribute of content, and a "language" ID is used for
    > declaration of that attribute.
    > A "locale" is an operational mode of software processes, and a "locale"
    > ID is used in APIs to set or determine that mode.
    > Peter
    > Peter Constable
    > Globalization Infrastructure and Font Technologies
    > Microsoft Windows Division

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