RE: TR35

From: Francois Yergeau (
Date: Thu May 13 2004 - 13:21:42 CDT

  • Next message: Francois Yergeau: "RE: TR35"

    Peter Constable a écrit :
    > A "language" is an attribute of content, and a "language" ID
    > is used for
    > declaration of that attribute.
    > A "locale" is an operational mode of software processes, and
    > a "locale"
    > ID is used in APIs to set or determine that mode.

    Oversimplified, I'm afraid. Consider machine translation software or
    computer-aided translation tools (e.g. translation memories). In these:

      A "language" is an operational mode of software processes, and
      a "language" ID is used in APIs to set or determine that mode.


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