From: Michael Everson (
Date: Fri May 14 2004 - 14:47:22 CDT
At 12:08 -0700 2004-05-14, Peter Kirk wrote:
>ell, I accepted somewhat reluctantly that Phoenician should be
>separately encoded because a small number of users want it to be,
>although a majority apparently do not want it to be.
I really don't know if those who spoke for the "majority" were really
representative of a real "majority".
>This would not be an acceptable position if Unicode intended to
>force all users of Phoenician to move immediately to the new script
>- although it would actually make much more sense to do so.
Unicode doesn't force people to do anything. (Well, apart from using
smart font technology for a lot of scripts, but that's not relevant
here.) Unicode makes characters available for those who wish to use
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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