Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 14:44:06 CDT
Michael Everson scripsit:
> >What is a 'diascript' ?
> Dean's attempt to invent a new term for the gigantic bucket he thinks
> Hebrew is.
Not new, not invented; as I said, already in use in French, German, and Dutch.
By analogy with "diaphoneme", presumably; an abstract representation which
can equally well (or nearly so) any of a variety of chosen scripts.
-- John Cowan Original line from The Warrior's Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold: "Only on Barrayar would pulling a loaded needler start a stampede toward one." English-to-Russian-to-English mangling thereof: "Only on Barrayar you risk to lose support instead of finding it when you threat with the charged weapon."
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