From: Michael Everson (
Date: Wed May 19 2004 - 16:24:49 CDT
At 13:54 -0700 2004-05-19, E. Keown wrote:
>I include below the response of Prof. Stephen A. Kaufman, one of the
>world's most famous Aramaists, to the Everson Phoenician proposal:
I had seen his contribution already.
> > Anyone who thinks there has to be a separate
>> encoding for Phoenician either does not understand
>> Unicode or (and probably "and") does not understand
> > what a glyph is.
I am not in the least bit chastened or chagrined by this.
> > There are already encodings
> > suitable for all varieties of Northwest Semitic
>> scripts. One can legitimately argue, as some have,
>> that there are still some problems with the Hebrew
>> and Syriac encodings, but not that we need anything
>> more for the other NW Semitic languages other than
> > some nice FONTS!
Which would not address the plain-text requirement to distinguish the
scripts qua scripts.
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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