From: John Hudson (
Date: Thu May 20 2004 - 00:18:34 CDT
Jony Rosenne wrote:
>>*Except by Jony, who is always encouraging us to use markup
>>to make distinctions.
> I don't recall saying anything like this in this Phoenician discussion.
Acknowledged. My point was not about that discussion in particular, but about the generic
question of to what degree plain-text is a requirement, regardless of what one wants to do
within it. Your frequent refrain that distinctions of shape, for what you consider to be
the same character (and note that I am not agreeing or disagreeing with any particular
judgement), should be handled in 'mark-up' presupposes something other than plain-text in
terms of displaying that distinction. You frequently remind us that there are distinctions
that are useful to some people, desirable in some circumstances, but which do not
constitute a *requirement* in plain-text. Fair enough. For this same reason, I don't
automatically accept the argument, made by Michael earlier today, that 'There is a
requirement for distinction for X in plain-text'.
On what basis do we decide that X is necessary in plain-text while Y should be done with
mark-up or some other 'higher level protocol'?
John Hudson
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